tazpkg log modules/getenv

age author description
2017-02-19 Paul Issott Tiny edits
2017-01-08 Aleksej Bobylev Add module/bb: manage Busybox applets.
2015-12-04 Aleksej Bobylev Global quite mode provided by libtaz.sh now; few tweaks.
2015-11-30 Aleksej Bobylev modules getenv, get, install: provide --quiet option (don't display service messages, show errors only)
2015-11-17 Aleksej Bobylev Module "getenv": better checking of 'installed.info'; module "get": display abridged wget status, move here test for package already installed from "tazpkg" code
2015-10-20 Aleksej Bobylev Fix working of modules/reconfigure (thank Robertux for bugreport); small changes.
2015-10-09 Aleksej Bobylev Remove "busybox" "prefixes" (thanks llev)
2015-10-05 Aleksej Bobylev Finish modularization. Beta release: still have few FIXMEs and TODOs.
2015-08-28 Aleksej Bobylev Add a bunch of modules with new-style support of 'root' (not all commands are modules yet); strip and compress resources.