slitaz-configs view rootfs/usr/share/themes/SliTaz/gtk-2.0/gtkrc @ rev 306

New Openbox theme with rounded corner, update SliTaz GTK theme
author Christophe Lincoln <>
date Sun Mar 26 21:53:10 2017 +0200 (2017-03-26)
parents f53ca97de41a
line source
1 style "clearlooks-default"
2 {
3 GtkButton ::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
4 GtkRange ::trough_border = 0
5 GtkPaned ::handle_size = 6
6 GtkRange ::slider_width = 15
7 GtkRange ::stepper_size = 15
8 GtkScrollbar ::min_slider_length = 30
9 GtkCheckButton ::indicator_size = 12
10 GtkMenuBar ::internal-padding = 4
11 GtkTreeView ::expander_size = 14
12 GtkTreeView ::odd_row_color = "#f1f1f1"
13 GtkExpander ::expander_size = 16
14 GtkToolbar ::internal-padding = 0
15 GtkToolbar ::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
16 GtkMenuBar ::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
17 GtkFrame ::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
19 GtkNotebook ::show-bodrer = 1
21 GtkScrollbar ::has_secondary_backward_stepper = 1
22 GtkScrollbar ::has_secondary_forward_stepper = 0
24 xthickness = 1
25 ythickness = 1
27 fg[NORMAL] = "#111111" # very dark grey
28 fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000000" # black
29 fg[SELECTED] = "#ffffff" # white
30 fg[ACTIVE] = "#333333" # very dark grey
31 fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#666666" # medium grey
33 bg[NORMAL] = "#ededed" # light grey
34 bg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff" # white
35 bg[SELECTED] = "#fcaf3e" # orange
36 bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#ededed" # light grey
37 bg[ACTIVE] = "#ededed" # light grey
39 base[NORMAL] = "#ffffff" # white
40 base[PRELIGHT] = "#fcaf3e" # orange
41 base[ACTIVE] = "#ededed" # light beige
42 base[SELECTED] = "#fcaf3e" # orange
43 base[INSENSITIVE] = "#ededed" # light grey
45 text[NORMAL] = "#000000" # black
46 text[PRELIGHT] = "#000000" # black
47 text[ACTIVE] = "#ffffff" # white
48 text[SELECTED] = "#ffffff" # white
49 text[INSENSITIVE] = "#ededed" # light grey
51 engine "clearlooks"
52 {
53 #menubarstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = sunken, 2 = flat gradient
54 #sunkenmenubar = 0 # 0 = disable, 1 = enable
55 #menuitemstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = 3d-ish (gradient), 2 = 3d-ish (button)
56 #listviewitemstyle = 1 # 0 = flat, 1 = 3d-ish (gradient)
57 #progressbarstyle = 0 # 0 = candy bar, 1 = flat
58 }
59 }
61 style "clearlooks-wide" = "clearlooks-default"
62 {
63 xthickness = 2
64 ythickness = 2
65 }
67 style "clearlooks-button" = "clearlooks-default"
68 {
69 bg[NORMAL] = "#f1f1f1"
70 bg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
71 xthickness = 1
72 ythickness = 1
73 }
75 style "clearlooks-notebook" = "clearlooks-wide"
76 {
77 bg[NORMAL] = "#f1f1f1"
78 bg[ACTIVE] = "#ededed"
79 bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#ededed"
80 xthickness = 3 # Width of tabs and notebook borders.
81 ythickness = 3 # Height of tabs and notebook borders.
82 }
84 style "clearlooks-tasklist" = "clearlooks-default"
85 {
86 xthickness = 4
87 ythickness = 3
88 }
90 style "clearlooks-menu" = "clearlooks-default"
91 {
92 xthickness = 2
93 ythickness = 1
94 bg[NORMAL] = "#f1f1f1"
95 }
97 style "clearlooks-menu-item" = "clearlooks-default"
98 {
99 xthickness = 2
100 ythickness = 3
101 fg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
102 text[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
103 }
105 style "clearlooks-menu-itembar" = "clearlooks-default"
106 {
107 xthickness = 3
108 ythickness = 3
109 }
111 style "clearlooks-tree" = "clearlooks-default"
112 {
113 xthickness = 2
114 ythickness = 2
115 }
117 style "clearlooks-frame-title" = "clearlooks-default"
118 {
119 fg[NORMAL] = "#111111"
120 }
122 style "clearlooks-tooltips" = "clearlooks-default"
123 {
124 bg[NORMAL] = "#ededed"
125 fg[NORMAL] = "#111111"
126 xthickness = 12
127 ythickness = 10
128 }
130 style "clearlooks-progressbar" = "clearlooks-default"
131 {
132 xthickness = 1
133 ythickness = 1
134 fg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
135 }
137 style "clearlooks-combo" = "clearlooks-default"
138 {
139 xthickness = 2
140 ythickness = 2
141 }
143 style "clearlooks-scrollbar" = "clearlooks-default"
144 {
145 fg[ACTIVE] = "#ffffff"
146 bg[NORMAL] = "#ededed"
147 bg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
148 }
150 # widget styles
151 class "GtkWidget" style "clearlooks-default"
152 class "GtkButton" style "clearlooks-button"
153 class "GtkCombo" style "clearlooks-button"
154 class "GtkRange" style "clearlooks-wide"
155 class "GtkFrame" style "clearlooks-wide"
156 class "GtkMenu" style "clearlooks-menu"
157 class "GtkEntry" style "clearlooks-button"
158 class "GtkMenuItem" style "clearlooks-menu-item"
159 class "GtkNotebook" style "clearlooks-notebook"
160 class "GtkScrollbar" style "clearlooks-scrollbar"
161 class "GtkProgressBar" style "clearlooks-progressbar"
162 class "GtkStatusbar" style "clearlooks-wide"
164 widget_class "*MenuItem.*" style "clearlooks-menu-item"
166 # combobox stuff
167 widget_class "*.GtkComboBox.GtkButton" style "clearlooks-combo"
168 widget_class "*.GtkCombo.GtkButton" style "clearlooks-combo"
170 # tooltips stuff
171 widget_class "*.tooltips.*.GtkToggleButton" style "clearlooks-tasklist"
172 widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "clearlooks-tooltips"
174 # treeview stuff
175 widget_class "*.GtkTreeView.GtkButton" style "clearlooks-tree"
176 widget_class "*.GtkCTree.GtkButton" style "clearlooks-tree"
177 widget_class "*.GtkList.GtkButton" style "clearlooks-tree"
178 widget_class "*.GtkCList.GtkButton" style "clearlooks-tree"
179 widget_class "*.GtkFrame.GtkLabel" style "clearlooks-frame-title"
181 # notebook stuff
182 widget_class "*.GtkNotebook.*.GtkEventBox" style "clearlooks-notebook"
183 widget_class "*.GtkNotebook.*.GtkViewport" style "clearlooks-notebook"