wok view firefox-langpack-fr/receipt @ rev 10717

Up: slitaz-boot-scripts (4.4) - WARNING: no more hwconf.sh and i18n.sh so we sed in rcS.conf to change that or next boot boot get lots of problem
author Christophe Lincoln <pankso@slitaz.org>
date Sat May 28 23:23:13 2011 +0200 (2011-05-28)
parents c8159297fa54
children 32fc20deeb56
line source
1 # SliTaz package receipt.
3 PACKAGE="firefox-langpack-fr"
4 VERSION="4.0.1"
5 CATEGORY="network"
6 SHORT_DESC="France Language Package for firefox"
7 MAINTAINER="lufeng369@gmail.com"
8 DEPENDS="firefox"
9 WEB_SITE="http://www.mozilla.com"
10 LANG=`echo $PACKAGE | cut -d'-' -f3 | tr '_' '-'`
11 LANG_DIR="langpack-$LANG@firefox.mozilla.org"
12 TARBALL="$LANG.xpi"
13 WGET_URL="http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/$VERSION/linux-i686/xpi/$TARBALL"
15 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
16 genpkg_rules()
17 {
18 EXTDIR="$fs/usr/lib/firefox-$VERSION/extensions/$LANG_DIR"
19 mkdir -p $EXTDIR
20 cp -a $src/* $EXTDIR
21 }
23 post_install()
24 {
25 echo ""
26 echo "Use the code below to change locale of firefox in shell:"
27 echo "sed -i '/pref/s/en-US/$LANG/' /etc/firefox/pref/firefox-l10n.js"
28 echo ""
29 }