slitaz-pizza view web/rootfs.cgi @ rev 105

Fix i18n
author Christophe Lincoln <>
date Sat Jan 25 14:21:08 2014 +0100 (2014-01-25)
parents e663d20d6b65
children 57a95ac66802
line source
1 #!/bin/sh
2 #
3 # SliTaz Pizza CGI/web interface - Let's have a pizza :-)
4 # SliTaz rootfs step
5 #
7 . lib/libpizza
8 log="$tmpdir/slitaz-$id/distro.log"
10 # Internationalization: $(gettext "")
11 . /usr/bin/
12 TEXTDOMAIN='pizza'
13 export TEXTDOMAIN
15 # Handle rootfs.* file upload.
16 tarball_handler() {
17 echo "<pre>"
18 echo "File name : $tarball"
19 echo "File size : $size Bytes"
20 gettext "Moving rootfs tarball to slitaz-$id"
21 upload=$tmpdir/slitaz-$id/upload-$$
22 mkdir -p $upload && cd $upload
23 mv $tmpname "$upload/$tarball" && rm -rf $(dirname $tmpname)
24 chmod a+r $upload/$tarball
25 status
27 # Extract into the tmp upload dir.
28 gettext "Extracting archive for sanity checks..."
29 case "$tarball" in
30 *.tar.gz) tar xzf $tarball && status ;;
31 *.tar.bz2) tar xjf $tarball && status ;;
32 *.tar.lzma) tar xaf $tarball && status ;;
33 *) echo && error "Unsupported tarball format" && rm -rf $upload
34 esac
36 # Upload dir is removed if bad tarball so we stop here. Now be a bit
37 # restrictive using only rootfs as archive name and check FSH in root.
38 # Dont allow files in /dev /proc /sys /tmp /mnt
39 if [ -d "$upload/rootfs" ]; then
40 gettext "Checking Filesystem Standard..."
41 for i in $(ls $upload/rootfs)
42 do
43 case "$i" in
44 bin|boot|etc|home|init|lib|root|sbin|usr|var) continue ;;
45 *) echo "Bad FSH path for: $i" && rm -rf $upload ;;
46 esac
47 done && status
48 # Dont allow too big rootfs content.
49 size=$(du -s $upload/rootfs | awk '{print $1}')
50 gettext "Checking uploaded rootfs size..."
51 if [ "$size" -lt "$MAX_UPLOAD" ]; then
52 status
53 else
54 echo && error "Tarball is too big"
55 rm -rf $upload
56 fi
57 fi
59 # So now it time to move the addfile to flavor files.
60 if [ -d "$upload/rootfs" ]; then
61 echo "Additional rootfs: accepted" | tee -a $log
62 mkdir -p $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs
63 cp -a $upload/rootfs/* $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs
64 rm -rf $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/upload-* $upload/rootfs
65 fi
66 echo "</pre>"
67 rm -rf $upload
68 }
70 #
71 # Actions
72 #
74 case " $(FILE) " in
75 *\ wallpaper\ *)
76 tmpname="$(FILE wallpaper tmpname)"
77 wallpaper="$(FILE wallpaper name)"
78 size="$(FILE wallpaper size)"
79 if echo $wallpaper | fgrep -q .jpg; then
80 images=$tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs/usr/share/images
81 mkdir -p $images
82 mv $tmpname $images/slitaz-background.jpg
83 chmod a+r $images/*.jpg
84 notify "$(gettext "Added image:") $wallpaper ($size Bytes)"
85 else
86 notify "$(gettext "Unsupported image format")" "error"
87 fi ;;
88 *\ desktop\ *)
89 id="$(POST id)"
90 tmpname="$(FILE desktop tmpname)"
91 file="$(FILE desktop name)"
92 size="$(FILE desktop size)"
93 path="$tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs/etc/skel/Desktop"
94 mkdir -p $path
95 case "$file" in
96 *README*|*.desktop|*.html|*.png|*.jpg)
97 mv $tmpname $path/$file
98 chmod a+r $path/$file
99 notify "$(gettext "Added file:") $file ($size Bytes)" ;;
100 *)
101 notify "$(gettext "Unsupported file type")" "error" ;;
102 esac
103 ;;
104 *\ tarball\ *)
105 tmpname="$(FILE tarball tmpname)"
106 tarball="$(FILE tarball name)"
107 size="$(FILE tarball size)" ;;
108 *)
109 id="$(GET id)" ;;
110 esac
112 [ -n "$id" ] || id="$(POST id)"
114 if [ "$(POST fastboot)" != "" ]; then
115 echo "Fast boot conversion" >> $log
116 notify "$(gettext "Fast boot conversion")"
117 mkdir -p $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs/etc/tazlito 2> /dev/null
118 # lzo decompression crash with 2.6.37...
119 false && cat > $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs/etc/tazlito/fastboot.iso <<EOT
120 [ -x /usr/bin/lzop ] || tazpkg get-install lzop
121 find * | cpio -o -H newc | lzop -9 > \$1/boot/rootfs.gz
122 EOT
123 cat > $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs/etc/tazlito/fastboot.iso <<EOT
124 find * | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > \$1/boot/rootfs.gz
125 [ -x /usr/bin/advdef ] || tazpkg get-install advancecomp
126 [ -x /usr/bin/advdef ] && advdef -z4 \$1/boot/rootfs.gz
127 EOT
128 cat > $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs/etc/tazlito/fastboot.rootfs <<EOT
129 sed -i 's/FAST_BOOT_X="no"/FAST_BOOT_X="yes"/' etc/rcS.conf
130 EOT
131 fi
133 if [ "$(POST loram)" != "none" ] && [ "$(POST loram)" != "" ]; then
134 echo "Low RAM conversion: $(POST loram)" >> $log
135 notify "$(gettext "Low RAM conversion:") $(POST loram)"
136 mkdir -p $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs/etc/tazlito 2> /dev/null
137 rm -f $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs/etc/tazlito/fastboot.iso 2> /dev/null
138 cat > $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/rootfs/etc/tazlito/ <<EOT
139 cd \$1/..
140 iso=\$(ls *.iso)
141 if [ -s "\$iso" ]; then
142 echo "Converting \$iso to low ram iso..."
143 yes y | tazlito build-loram \$iso \$iso.\$\$ $(POST loram)
144 mv -f \$iso.\$\$ \$iso
145 md5sum \$iso > \${iso%.iso}.md5
146 echo "================================================================================"
147 fi
148 cd - > /dev/null
149 EOT
150 fi
152 #
153 # Source receipt and display page with additional rootfs or file upload.
154 #
155 . $tmpdir/slitaz-$id/receipt
156 cat << EOT
157 <h2>Rootfs</h2>
158 <form method="post" action="rootfs.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data">
160 <p>
161 SliTaz root filesystem modification can be done via an easy to use form,
162 a single tarball or by uploading files one by one in the wanted directory.
163 </p>
165 <h3>$(gettext "Easy customization")</h3>
167 <p>
168 $(gettext "Desktop Wallpaper in JPG format"):
169 <p>
171 <div class="inputfile">
172 <div class="inputhide">
173 <input type="file" name="wallpaper" size="48" />
174 </div>
175 </div>
176 <input type="submit" value="Upload Image" style="margin-left: 6px;" />
178 <p>
179 $(gettext "Files on user desktop such as README, desktop files or documentation.
180 The files will be copied in the Home directory of each new user. SliTaz creates
181 the default Live user at boot. Allowed files and extentions are:") README
182 .desktop .html .png .jpg:
183 <p>
185 <div class="inputfile">
186 <div class="inputhide">
187 <input type="file" name="desktop" size="48" />
188 </div>
189 </div>
190 <input type="submit" value="Upload File" style="margin-left: 6px;" />
193 <h3>$(gettext "Rootfs tarball")</h3>
194 <p>
195 The files in the rootfs archive must have the same directory structure
196 as any standard SliTaz or Linux system. For example if you wish to
197 have a custom boot configuration file, you will have: rootfs/etc/rcS.conf.
198 Accepted tarball formats are: <strong>tar.gz tar.bz2 tar.lzma</strong>
199 and the archived directory must be named rootfs with a valid file system
200 hierachy such as: /usr/bin /etc /var/www
201 </p>
203 <div class="inputfile">
204 <div class="inputhide">
205 <input type="file" name="tarball" size="48" />
206 </div>
207 </div>
208 <input type="submit" value="Upload rootfs" style="margin-left: 6px;" />
210 <h3>$(gettext "ISO image conversion")</h3>
212 <input type="checkbox" name="fastboot" />
213 $(gettext "Fast boot") -
214 $(gettext "Low RAM support"):
215 <select name="loram">
216 <option value="none">$(gettext "No")</option>
217 <option value="ram">$(gettext "In RAM only")</option>
218 <option value="smallcdrom">$(gettext "Small CDROM or RAM")</option>
219 <option value="cdrom">$(gettext "Large CDROM or RAM")</option>
220 </select>
221 <input type="submit" value="Convert" />
223 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="$id" />
224 </form>
226 $([ "$tarball" ] && tarball_handler)
228 <pre>
229 Uniq ID : $id
230 Flavor : $FLAVOR
231 Short desc : $SHORT_DESC
232 </pre>
233 <div class="next">
234 <form method="get" action="./">
235 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="$id" />
236 <input type="submit" name="gen" value="$(gettext "Continue")">
237 </form>
238 </div>
239 EOT
241 # HTML footer.
242 cat lib/footer.html
244 exit 0