slitaz-configs view rootfs/usr/share/applications/shell-profile.desktop @ rev 217

sts: fixes and use only one panel (we will have some gesture support!!!)
author Christophe Lincoln <>
date Wed Apr 16 18:20:51 2014 +0200 (2014-04-16)
parents c8ad08c0c7ae
line source
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Type=Application
3 Name=SHell profile
4 Name[fr]=Profile du SHell
5 Name[pt]=Perfil do SHell
6 Name[pt_BR]=Perfil do SHell
7 Name[ru]=Профиль входа в shell
8 Icon=xterm
9 Exec=edit-dot-profile
10 Categories=Settings;DesktopSettings;